
Say Hello! Extending Thymeleaf in 5 minutes

Extending Thymeleaf is easy: we only have to create a dialect and add it to our template engine. Let’s see how.

All the code seen here comes from a working application. You can view or download the source code from its GitHub repo.


Thymeleaf Dialects are sets of features we can use in your templates. These features include:

  • Processing logic specified via processors that apply to attributes in our tags (or tags themselves).
  • Preprocessing and Postprocessing logic specified via pre-processors and post-processors that apply to our template before (pre) or after (post) processing actually takes place.
  • Expression objects which can be used in Thymeleaf Standard Expressions (like #arrays, #dates, etc.) in order to perform the specialized operations we might need.

All of these features are optional, and a dialect can specify only some of them. For example, a dialect might not need to specify any processors, but declare a couple of expression objects.

If you’ve seen fragments of code written in the Standard Dialects, you should have noticed that the processable attributes start with th:. That “th” is called the dialect prefix, and it means that all tags and attributes processed by that dialect will start with such prefix. Each dialect can specify its own prefix.

It is important also to note that a Template Engine can be set several dialects at a time, thus allowing the processing of templates including features from all of the specified dialects (think of dialects as a sort of JSP taglibs in steroids). What’s more, some of these dialects can share prefix, effectively acting as an aggregate dialect.

The simplest dialect ever: Say Hello!

Let’s create a dialect for one of our applications. This will be a Spring MVC application, so we will be already using the SpringStandard dialect (have a look at the Thymeleaf + Spring tutorial for more details). But we want to add a new attribute that allows us to say hello to whoever we want, like this:

<p hello:sayto="World">Hi ya!</p>

The processor

First, we will have to create the attribute processor that will take care of displaying our salutation message.

All processors implement the org.thymeleaf.processor.IProcessor interface, and specifically a tag processor implements the org.thymeleaf.processor.element.IElementTagProcessor because it is a processor that applies on an element (in XML/HTML jargon), and specifically on the open tag of such element.

Besides, this is a processor that will be triggered by a specific attribute in such open tag (hello:sayto), so we will be extending a useful abstract class that will give us most of the class infrastructure we need: org.thymeleaf.processor.element.AbstractAttributeTagProcessor.

public class SayToAttributeTagProcessor extends AbstractAttributeTagProcessor {

    private static final String ATTR_NAME = "sayto";
    private static final int PRECEDENCE = 10000;

    public SayToAttributeTagProcessor(final String dialectPrefix) {
            TemplateMode.HTML, // This processor will apply only to HTML mode
            dialectPrefix,     // Prefix to be applied to name for matching
            null,              // No tag name: match any tag name
            false,             // No prefix to be applied to tag name
            ATTR_NAME,         // Name of the attribute that will be matched
            true,              // Apply dialect prefix to attribute name
            PRECEDENCE,        // Precedence (inside dialect's precedence)
            true);             // Remove the matched attribute afterwards

    protected void doProcess(
            final ITemplateContext context, final IProcessableElementTag tag,
            final AttributeName attributeName, final String attributeValue,
            final IElementTagStructureHandler structureHandler) {

                "Hello, " + HtmlEscape.escapeHtml5(attributeValue) + "!", false);



The dialect class

Creating our processor was very easy, but now we will need to create the dialect class, which will be in charge of telling Thymeleaf that our processor is available.

The most basic dialect interface, org.thymeleaf.dialect.IDialect, only tells Thymeleaf that a specific class is a dialect. But the engine will need to know what that dialect is capable of offering, and in order to declare that, the dialect class will implement one or several of a set of IDialect sub-interfaces.

Specifically, out dialect will offer *processors, and as such it will implement the org.thymeleaf.dialect.IProcessorDialect. And in order to make it easier, instead of directly implementing the interface we will extend an abstract class called org.thymeleaf.dialect.AbstractProcessorDialect:

public class HelloDialect extends AbstractProcessorDialect {

    public HelloDialect() {
                "Hello Dialect",    // Dialect name
                "hello",            // Dialect prefix (hello:*)
                1000);              // Dialect precedence

     * Initialize the dialect's processors.
     * Note the dialect prefix is passed here because, although we set
     * "hello" to be the dialect's prefix at the constructor, that only
     * works as a default, and at engine configuration time the user
     * might have chosen a different prefix to be used.
    public Set<IProcessor> getProcessors(final String dialectPrefix) {
        final Set<IProcessor> processors = new HashSet<IProcessor>();
        processors.add(new SayToAttributeTagProcessor(dialectPrefix));
        return processors;


Using the hello dialect

Using our new dialect is very easy. This being a Spring MVC application, we just have to add it to our templateEngine bean during configuration.

public SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine(){
    SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine = new SpringTemplateEngine();
    templateEngine.addDialect(new HelloDialect());
    return templateEngine;

Note that by using addDialect(...) (instead of setDialect(...)) we are telling the engine that we want to make use of our new dialect in addition to the default StandardDialect. So all the standard th:* attributes will be also available.

And now our new attribute would work seamlessly:

<p>Hello World!</p>

Want to know more?

Then have a look at “Say Hello Again! Extending Thymeleaf even more in another 5 minutes”.