Package org.thymeleaf.context

Interface Summary
IContext Interface for all context implementations.
IContextExecutionInfo Recommended implementation interface for all classes used as execution info variables in IContext implementations.
IContextVariableRestriction Models a restriction over a specific variable in context.
IWebContext Subinterface of IContext for implementations that can be used for creating HTML/XHTML interfaces in web applications.

Class Summary
AbstractContext Abstract class for IContext implementations, providing some of the features required to implement this interface.
AbstractContextExecutionInfo Abstract class for IContextExecutionInfo implementations, providing some of the features required to implement this interface.
AbstractDialectAwareProcessingContext Specific abstract superclass for implementations of IProcessingContext that are able to add extra expression utility objects to expression evaluations if any of the configured IDialects implement IExpressionEnhancingDialect.
Context Standard implementation of IContext.
ContextExecutionInfo Standard and basic implementation of the IContextExecutionInfo interface.
DialectAwareProcessingContext Basic implementation of AbstractDialectAwareProcessingContext.
ForbiddenContextVariableRestriction Forbids access to a specific variable in the map.
ProcessingContext Basic implementation of AbstractProcessingContext.
VariablesMap<K,V> Special implementation of the Map interface that will be used for containing context variables in IContext implementations.
WarningContextVariableRestriction Allows access to a specific variable in the map, but outputs a warning through the log.
WebContext Standard implementation for the IWebContext interface.
WebContextExecutionInfo Standard and basic implementation of the IContextExecutionInfo interface, for web contexts.

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