Package org.thymeleaf.context
package org.thymeleaf.context
ClassDescriptionAbstract base class for most
implementations.Utility abstract class partially implementingIEngineContext
.Base abstract class implementingIExpressionContext
.Basic, non-web implementation ofIContext
, valid for most non-web scenarios.Basic non-web implementation of theIEngineContext
interface.Basic implementation of theIExpressionContext
interface.Interface implemented by objects containing the context variables needed by the template engine in order to process templates, besides other info like locale or (in web environments) Servlet-API artifacts.Objects of this class are kept atITemplateContext
in order to provide templates with a way to create uniqueid
attribute values during template processing.Mostly-internal interface implemented by all classes containing the context required for template processing inside the engine itself.Common interface for all factory instances in charge of creating theIEngineContext
implementations that will be used during template execution.Interface implemented by all classes containing the context required for expression processing.Interface to be implemented by context variables that need to be loaded lazily.Interface implemented by all classes containing the context required for template processing.Specialization of theIContext
interface to be implemented by contexts used for template processing in web environments.Basic abstract implementation for theILazyContextVariable
interface.Standard implementation of theIEngineContextFactory
interface.Basic web-oriented implementation of theIContext
interfaces.Basic web implementation of theIEngineContext
interface, with added web-oriented capabilities.Basic web-oriented implementation of theIExpressionContext