Interface IElementTagStructureHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IElementTagStructureHandler

Structure handler class meant to be used by IElementTagProcessor implementations.

Structure handlers allow processors to instruct the engine to perform a series of actions that cannot be done directly from the processors themselves, usually because these actions are applied or have effects on scopes broader than the processed events themselves.

Daniel Fernández
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Instructs the engine to insert the specified model just before the element being processed.
    insertImmediatelyAfter(IModel model, boolean processable)
    Instructs the engine to insert the specified model just after the element being processed.
    iterateElement(String iterVariableName, String iterStatusVariableName, Object iteratedObject)
    Instructs the engine to iterate the current element, applying a specific iteration configuration.
    Instructs the engine to remove all the children of the element being processed, except the first one (the first element, not text or others).
    removeAttribute(String attributeName)
    Instructs the engine to remove an attribute from the tag being processed.
    removeAttribute(String prefix, String name)
    Instructs the engine to remove an attribute from the tag being processed.
    Instructs the engine to remove an attribute from the tag being processed.
    Instructs the engine to remove the body of the element being processed, but keep the open and close tags.
    Instructs the engine to remove the entire element that is being processed (open tag, body, close tag).
    Instructs the engine to remove a local variable.
    Instructs the engine to remove the tags delimiting the element being processed (open and close tag), but keep the body.
    replaceAttribute(AttributeName oldAttributeName, String attributeName, String attributeValue)
    Instructs the engine to replace an existing attribute for a new one (which can also exist) in the current tag being processed.
    replaceAttribute(AttributeName oldAttributeName, String attributeName, String attributeValue, AttributeValueQuotes attributeValueQuotes)
    Instructs the engine to replace an existing attribute for a new one (which can also exist) in the current tag being processed.
    replaceWith(CharSequence text, boolean processable)
    Instructs the engine to replace the current element with the specified text (a CharSequence).
    replaceWith(IModel model, boolean processable)
    Instructs the engine to replace the current element with the specified model (a IModel).
    Resets all actions specified so far for the current processor execution.
    setAttribute(String attributeName, String attributeValue)
    Instructs the engine to set an attribute (existing or not) in the current tag being processed.
    setAttribute(String attributeName, String attributeValue, AttributeValueQuotes attributeValueQuotes)
    Instructs the engine to set an attribute (existing or not) in the current tag being processed.
    setBody(CharSequence text, boolean processable)
    Instructs the engine to set a new body for the current element, in the form of a CharSequence.
    setBody(IModel model, boolean processable)
    Instructs the engine to set a new body for the current element, in the form of an IModel.
    Instructs the engine to set a new inliner.
    Instructs the engine to set a new local variable.
    setSelectionTarget(Object selectionTarget)
    Instructs the engine to set a new selection target.
    Instructs the engine to set a new template data.
  • Method Details

    • reset

      void reset()

      Resets all actions specified so far for the current processor execution.

    • setLocalVariable

      void setLocalVariable(String name, Object value)

      Instructs the engine to set a new local variable.

      name - the name of the variable.
      value - the value of the variable.
    • removeLocalVariable

      void removeLocalVariable(String name)

      Instructs the engine to remove a local variable.

      name - the name of the variable.
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String attributeName, String attributeValue)

      Instructs the engine to set an attribute (existing or not) in the current tag being processed.

      attributeName - the name of the attribute.
      attributeValue - the value of the attribute.
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String attributeName, String attributeValue, AttributeValueQuotes attributeValueQuotes)

      Instructs the engine to set an attribute (existing or not) in the current tag being processed.

      attributeName - the name of the attribute.
      attributeValue - the value of the attribute.
      attributeValueQuotes - the type of quotes to be set for the attribute.
    • replaceAttribute

      void replaceAttribute(AttributeName oldAttributeName, String attributeName, String attributeValue)

      Instructs the engine to replace an existing attribute for a new one (which can also exist) in the current tag being processed.

      oldAttributeName - the name of the attribute to be replaced.
      attributeName - the name of the new attribute.
      attributeValue - the value of the new attribute.
    • replaceAttribute

      void replaceAttribute(AttributeName oldAttributeName, String attributeName, String attributeValue, AttributeValueQuotes attributeValueQuotes)

      Instructs the engine to replace an existing attribute for a new one (which can also exist) in the current tag being processed.

      oldAttributeName - the name of the attribute to be replaced.
      attributeName - the name of the new attribute.
      attributeValue - the value of the new attribute.
      attributeValueQuotes - the type of quotes to be set for the attribute.
    • removeAttribute

      void removeAttribute(String attributeName)

      Instructs the engine to remove an attribute from the tag being processed.

      attributeName - the complete name of the attribute to be removed.
    • removeAttribute

      void removeAttribute(String prefix, String name)

      Instructs the engine to remove an attribute from the tag being processed.

      prefix - the prefix of the attribute to be removed.
      name - the name of the attribute to be removed.
    • removeAttribute

      void removeAttribute(AttributeName attributeName)

      Instructs the engine to remove an attribute from the tag being processed.

      attributeName - the name of the attribute to be removed.
    • setSelectionTarget

      void setSelectionTarget(Object selectionTarget)

      Instructs the engine to set a new selection target.

      The selection target is the object on which selection expressions (*{...}) are executed. In the Standard Dialect, this selection target is usually modified by means of the th:object attribute, but custom processors can do it too. Note the selection target has the same scope as a local variable, and will therefore be accessible only inside the body of the element being processed.

      See ITemplateContext.getSelectionTarget()

      selectionTarget - the selection target to be set.
    • setInliner

      void setInliner(IInliner inliner)

      Instructs the engine to set a new inliner.

      Inliners are used for processing all text nodes (IText events) appearing in the body of the element being processed. This is the mechanism used by the th:inline attribute to enable inlining in any of the specified modes (text, javascript, etc).

      See ITemplateContext.getInliner()

      inliner - the inliner.
    • setTemplateData

      void setTemplateData(TemplateData templateData)

      Instructs the engine to set a new template data.

      This method modifies the metadata about the template that is actually being processed. When inserting fragments, this allows the engine to know data about the specific fragment being processed, and also the complete stack of fragments being nested.

      See ITemplateContext.getTemplateData()

      templateData - the template data.
    • setBody

      void setBody(CharSequence text, boolean processable)

      Instructs the engine to set a new body for the current element, in the form of a CharSequence.

      This is the way a processor can change what is shown inside an element during processing. For example, it is this way how th:text changes the contents of its containing element.

      text - the text to be used as the new body.
      processable - whether the text being set should be considered processable, and therefore any ITextProcessor processors might be applied on it, or not.
    • setBody

      void setBody(IModel model, boolean processable)

      Instructs the engine to set a new body for the current element, in the form of an IModel.

      This is the way a processor can change what is shown inside an element during processing. For example, it is this way how th:utext changes the contents of its containing element.

      model - the model to be used as the new body.
      processable - whether the model being set should be considered processable, and therefore any processors might be applied on its events, or not.
    • insertBefore

      void insertBefore(IModel model)

      Instructs the engine to insert the specified model just before the element being processed.

      Processors can use this method to insert content before the tag they are processing, but with the limitation that such content (in the form of an IModel) cannot be processable, i.e. no processors will be executed on their elements or texts.

      model - the model to be inserted
    • insertImmediatelyAfter

      void insertImmediatelyAfter(IModel model, boolean processable)

      Instructs the engine to insert the specified model just after the element being processed.

      Processors can use this method to insert content just after the tag they are processing. Note that such content will be inserted after the tag, not the element, which in practice means that if the tag is an open tag, the new content will be inserted as the first part of the element's body.

      model - the model to be inserted.
      processable - whether the inserted model should be considered processable or not (i.e. whether processors should be executed on it).
    • replaceWith

      void replaceWith(CharSequence text, boolean processable)

      Instructs the engine to replace the current element with the specified text (a CharSequence).

      Note it is the complete element that will be replaced with the specified text, i.e. the open tag, the body and the close tag.

      text - the text to be used as a replacement.
      processable - whether the text should be considered processable or not.
    • replaceWith

      void replaceWith(IModel model, boolean processable)

      Instructs the engine to replace the current element with the specified model (a IModel).

      Note it is the complete element that will be replaced with the specified model, i.e. the open tag, the body and the close tag.

      model - the model to be used as a replacement.
      processable - whether the model should be considered processable or not.
    • removeElement

      void removeElement()

      Instructs the engine to remove the entire element that is being processed (open tag, body, close tag).

    • removeTags

      void removeTags()

      Instructs the engine to remove the tags delimiting the element being processed (open and close tag), but keep the body.

    • removeBody

      void removeBody()

      Instructs the engine to remove the body of the element being processed, but keep the open and close tags.

    • removeAllButFirstChild

      void removeAllButFirstChild()

      Instructs the engine to remove all the children of the element being processed, except the first one (the first element, not text or others).

    • iterateElement

      void iterateElement(String iterVariableName, String iterStatusVariableName, Object iteratedObject)

      Instructs the engine to iterate the current element, applying a specific iteration configuration.

      This method specifies the name of both the iteration variable name and the iterStatus variable name, and also the object that should be iterated (usually a Collection, Iterable or similar).

      iterVariableName - the name of the iteration variable.
      iterStatusVariableName - the name of the iterations status variable.
      iteratedObject - the object to be iterated.