Package org.thymeleaf.spring5.expression

package org.thymeleaf.spring5.expression
  • Class
    Expression Object for performing form-field-related operations inside Thymeleaf Standard Expressions in Spring environments.
    Interface for Thymeleaf-specific implementations of EvaluationContext.
    Expression object in charge of the creation of URLs using the controller-based mechanism in Spring MVC 4.1.
    Expression object that offers the functionality of Spring MVC's RequestDataValueProcessor for performing last-moment modifications to request data values such as URLs or form contents in order to enable mechanism such as CSRF protection.
    Wrapper on IContext objects that makes them look like java.util.Map objects in order to be used at the root of SpEL expressions without the need to use custom property accessors in most scenarios.
    Property accessor used for allowing Spring EL expression evaluators treat IContext objects correctly (map keys will be accessible as object properties).
    Evaluator for variable expressions (${...}) in Thymeleaf Standard Expressions, using the SpringEL expression language.
    Implementation of IStandardConversionService that delegates to Spring's type conversion system.
    Builds the expression objects to be used by SpringStandard dialects.
    Utility class for the easy obtention of objects relevant to the parsing and execution of Thymeleaf Spring-Standard Expressions (Thymeleaf Standard Expressions based using Spring EL as a base expression language).
    A utility object, accessed in Thymeleaf templates by the #themes expression, that provides the same features as the Spring <spring:theme> JSP tag.
    Thymeleaf's basic implementation of the IThymeleafEvaluationContext interface, which in turn extends from Spring's EvaluationContext interface.
    Implementation of Thymeleaf's IThymeleafEvaluationContext interface designed to wrap around a delegated implementation of EvaluationContext, adding the Thymeleaf-required PropertyAccessor implementations and (optionally) a series of variables to be accessed like #variableName during expression evaluation.